Sustainability Tech

Startup helpers in the Sustainability Tech sector

As a young sector, Sustainability Tech has developed by leaps and bounds in recent years and continues to gain in overall economic importance. It has become a driver for other sectors: Sustainability Tech contributes to the energy transition and supports sustainable action and production. At the same time, it continues to develop dynamically as a result of megatrends such as electromobility and decarbonization.

We have identified emerging companies in this sector from the outset and support them at various stages of their business growth. One example is Energiekonzepte Mitteldeutschland, a company from Saxony that has developed into a leading photovoltaic provider in Germany over the course of several transactions. We also serve clients in the hydrogen, power to X and carbon capture sectors, in the field of (electro)mobility and around battery technologies. We also focus on cross-sectoral topics such as power semiconductors and recycling.

Our transactions in this sector

Our specialists in this sector