Firmly in the saddle in the TMT sector

In the TMT sector we bring together entrepreneurship and years of successfully accompanying companies in their maturing processes. Technology, Media & Telecommunications – for us, these are primarily IT companies that offer hardware or software, as well as telecommunications companies and ISPs, media companies and portal operators. In recent years, we have gained international expertise in Cybersecurity and in the Semiconductor industry, for example through the sale of Silicon Radar from Germany to Indie Semiconductor in the U.S. or Semsysco to Lam Research in the U.S..

We also draw on special expertise in FinTechs and digital companies that have an impact on our focus sectors of Health Care, Industrials & Robotics, Consumer and Business Services. In the fintech segment, the two partners Jozsef Bugovics and Andreas Kinsky jointly founded the banking software manufacturer MeTechnology, which was successfully sold to a major strategic buyer in 2000. Subsequently, Jozsef Bugovics became a member of the Executive Board of this strategic buyer. Our partner Philipp Schlüter founded several companies in the video-on-demand environment and sold them to strategic partners in the USA and Scandinavia.

Our transactions in this sector

Our specialists in this sector